3 Ways to Reverse a String in JavaScript

3 Ways to Reverse a String in JavaScript

Learn how to reverse a string in JavaScript

One of the more common things you may be asked to do in a technical interview is a string reversal. I'm going to show you three different ways to execute a string reversal so you can nail that part of the process, the first one is a function and the last two are methods.

So let's go!

A reversal is straight forward, the first element becomes the last and the last element becomes the first.

Below is a function that does a string reversal, it is the longest of the code snippets I've provided.

function reverse(str) {

    if(!str || str.length < 2 || typeof str != 'string') return str;

    const backwards = []

    const totalItems = str.length - 1

    for (let i = totalItems; i >= 0; i--) {


     return backwards.join('')

console.log(reverse('Hi my name is Shamel'))
// Output lemahS si eman ym iH

Let's break down the code:

  1. Check the input of the string.
  2. Check to see if the string is less than two characters.
  3. We are also checking if it's a string type.
  4. Create an empty array const backwards = []
  5. Loop from the end to beginning of the string.
  6. .push() elements into backwards array.
  7. Return the array and .join() into a string.

Here is another example using the methods .split(), .reverse() and .join()

function reverse2(str){
    return str.split('').reverse().join('')

console.log(reverse2("Now I'm learning"));

// Outputs gninrael m'I woN

Let's make it shorter!

Here's an example of string reversal in one line using only two methods .reverse() and .join().

const reverse3 = str => [...str].reverse().join('')

console.log(reverse3("Look Ma no hands!"))
// Output !sdnah on aM kooL

Now you know how to reverse a string three different ways!

🏆 Fin.